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Planning Board Minutes 12/05/2013
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
December 5, 2013

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara (late arrival), Vice Chairman Tom Jameson, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Stan Brehm, Thomas Houle, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, Alan Williams, and Jamie A Pike, Secretary.

Vice-Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:32pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Vice-Chair Jameson appointed Mr. Williams as a voting member for the period of Dr. Mara’s absence.

The minutes of November 21, 2013 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Brehm to approve the minutes as amended.  

Subdivision: Dennis & Kathy Nolin, Map 6 Lot 22, located at 142 Canterbury Road
Dennis Nolin and Surveyor Rick Turner were present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The purpose of this application is to separate 3.01 acres from the parcel. This acreage encompasses the primary home and is bounded completely by stone walls.  The parcel is located in the Rural Agricultural Zone.  The proposed lot has 565.71 feet of frontage on Canterbury Road.  A letter is on file stating that it has been determined that the soils located within the lot are Gloucester series at a slope of 8%, and are defined as those soils found in the Residential Zone, therefore permitting a lot of less than 5 acres. This lot shall be known as Map 6 Lot 22-1.  There were no wetlands located on this lot.

The remaining primary lot; Map 6 Lot 22; is 54.5± acres with 552.78 feet of frontage on Canterbury Road.  This lot contains an existing access point.  The barn formerly associated with the dwelling shall be encompassed within this lot.  A limited survey was completed on this lot for purposes of determining that it was a minimum conforming lot.  Grades within this lot average 9% and there are limited wetlands located towards the frontage of the lot while a large wetland system and a pond are located to the rear of the property.  The limited survey included 40± acres.

Mr. Moore reviewed the application checklist and noted the following required corrections:
1.      Include a statement regarding the soil type, wetland delineation, and Soil Scientist certification,
2.      Show the proposed utility easement over Lot 22-1 of note #7,
3.      Show the wetland buffers for any identified wetland systems,
4.      Locate and show the existing sewage disposal system,
5.      Show the exiting well protection radii for all existing wells,
6.      Provide location and protective well radii for any proposed wells,
7.      Provide location for proposed sewage disposal system,
8.      Show all applicable building setbacks,
9.      Show proposed building envelope, and
10.     Provide a State approved Subdivision Application.
A motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the application as complete.  Motion passes.

The Board discussed if there was sufficient information provided to grant a conditional approval and make all remaining items administrative.

Vice Chairman Jameson opened the public hearing upon the application.  

There were no abutters present.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the application with the following precedent conditions:

1.      Include a statement regarding the soil type, wetland delineation, and Soil Scientist certification,
2.      Show the proposed utility easement over Lot 22-1 of note #7,
3.      Show the wetland buffers for any identified wetland systems,
4.      Locate and show the existing sewage disposal system,
5.      Show the exiting well protection radii for all existing wells,
6.      Provide location and protective well radii for any proposed wells,
7.      Provide location for proposed sewage disposal system,
8.      Show all applicable building setbacks,
9.      Show proposed building envelope, and
10.     Provide a State approved Subdivision Application.
Motion passes.

At this time, Chairman Mara arrived and relieved Mr. Williams as a voting member.

Site Plan Review:  Wyndleigh Trust, LLC, Map 3 Lot 47, located at 320 Dover Road
Robert Sullivan was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The purpose of this application is to add 3 detached buildings.  These buildings are to be model homes, with one being more permanent and used as the sales office.  The plat showed the existing building, delineated wetlands, paved area, sewage disposal system, water supply and fence location along with all utilities.  Mr. Sullivan provided pictorials of the existing building, signage, and area to be improved, and site distances.  

As the application and site plan were incomplete, the Board reviewed those items that need to be addressed before a formal application returns to the Board for review.  
1.      Show all proposed buildings (ie. Footprint)
2.      Provide elevation views or pictures of all proposed buildings.
3.      Show parking layout, determine the appropriate number of spots required per the zoning ordinance and Site Review Regulations.
4.      Show ingress and egress of site along with any pavement markings
5.      Show all solid waste disposal facilities and their associated screenage.
6.      Provide a dimensional design of any proposed signage.
7.      Provide a dimensional inventory of all existing signage.
8.      Provide a lighting plan depicting all existing and proposed outdoor lighting including fixture types, limit of glare, limit of foot candles
9.      Provide grading and utilities plan to show all proposed final grades, surface drainage, and other features.
10.     Erosion and sedimentation control plan.
11.     Show all required setbacks,
12.     Reissued DOT Driveway permit for expanded use, and
13.     Any other required exhibit per the Zoning Ordinance and the Site Review regulations.

Conceptual Discussions:

Michele & William Sherman, Map 9 Lot 63, Ring Road
Michele and William propose to construct an equine training facility with space for housing employees.  There will be no primary residence associated with the facility.  The parcel contains 14.33 acres.

The Board reviewed the definition of “farming” RSA 21:34-a; and determined that both the training and boarding of equines and the associated housing of employees is considered farming.  Whereas farming is a permitted use in the Rural-Agricultural Zone, it was determined that such use shall be allowed, and further such is allowed to be completed without review by the Planning Board where there is no jurisdiction for Site Review outside the commercial districts.

Chris Drew, Map 4 Lot 31, 154 Dover Road
Chris and Tina Drew propose to move their home occupation from Lane Road to the home located at 154 Dover Road.  Where the home is located in the Commercial Village District, Site Review is required due to the change of use from a residence to a business.  Mr. Drew was previously provided a copy of the Site Review Regulations.  The Drew’s will move forward with the proposal.

Merrimack Timber Service, Map 4 Lot 154, 69 Dover Road
Engineer Tim Bernier was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The proposal is to subdivide the lot into 3 lots with a shared driveway and each having deeded access to Route 4.  It is also proposed to develop the rear lot as a concrete plant for Coleman Concrete.  The primary structure associated with the plant is a Silo building where the mixing of the raw materials is performed.  Other associated structures are the material holding bins and conveyor belts.  It is expected that the facility at its highest use would ship up to 30 trucks per day.  Each truck requires approximately 300 gallons of water.  The proposal will be going to the ZBA for a building height variance for the Silo where it is 65 feet tall and limited to 35 feet.  The existing building where the old saw mill was located will be used for truck storage.  This rear lot extends past the zoning district limit of 1000 feet but still provides a considerable buffer zone from any residential development.

Signage Amendment:  The Board discussed at length changes to the proposed signage ordinance.  The revised draft shall be attached to these minutes.  There will be a second meeting with the business owners of Chichester to discuss this revised proposal on Thursday, December 19th.  At that meeting, the Public Hearing shall be scheduled.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

Not approved until signed.

Kevin J Mara, DVM